courtesy of Maitreya Samgha

259. Inner feeling must prompt how carefully one must safeguard one's being. One of Our Teachers would just begin a proposition, leaving it to the disciple to complete the thought. Thus he built up flexible thought. Opening the right door gives the right direction. 261. In dangerous straits ships go in single file. When muscles swell, know how to provide an energy outlet. If crowding of movement is not forestalled, then dissension is assured. The real Teaching responds to the sweep of intricate evolutionary currents. 262. As a masterless house stands unapplied thought. Point out to friends to follow sparks of potential as keenly as a falcon. The world has one hope--to bypass the unusual and to throw ashes upon any message of new awareness. 263. Nowhere in Our Teaching are fetters and floggings indicated, since life is rich, joyous and attractive. Like a full treasure ship does the indicated community rush along. Realization of the innumerable life-facets brightly illumines all. 264. Strangers wish to be admitted to the Central Apparatus, having not the slightest idea how to make use of it, not considering how much responsibility is entailed. Practical experience is necessary. Among the scrolls of births, sicknesses, sorrows and deaths few find the scroll of infinity's path. 265. When direction has been ascertained, consciousness verified, determination weighed, there must be found the word expressing the step. In the current seven year period there is to be struggle in full consciousness, in resoluteness, with no retreat. Let the interpretations of community be many and varied, yet its channel is one. Gravitation toward evolution compels all to rise. 266. We shield you on all paths and expect the same consideration. In Our custom before severing, all pertinent issues are to be exhausted. Have you read Our books? Let Us know your intentions toward Us. 267. A sea-tale of shipwreck, rescue and service thereafter at a lighthouse for rescue. Realization of communion with the world of usefulness to others completely transforms people, like the two in the sea-tale. 268. He who wishes to live lives. Amazing is the ability to withstand danger when the meaning of life is clear. It should be kept in mind that the most frightful explosions can result from a single touch or vibration. Even more potent and generally unrealized--is thought. 269. Only cooperation leads to effective good via growing positive relationships. The rational exchange of cooperation is not durable when in its base lie concealment and cupidity. Confidence is indispensable. Everything must be perfected. 270-1. It is necessary to strengthen each other. Finer energy, inherent in every man, is in need of hygiene. Affirm cooperation on a world basis with lucidity and serenity. Its basis must be of enlightenment. People have become accustomed to combining commerce with cupidity, and this is difficult to eradicate. One can see that labor is the one just value. 272. Peace is the crown of cooperation. It is necessary to develop the art of thinking in the name of Good. 273. Each unifying agent is subject to personal danger. Each peacemaker is disparaged. Each toiler ridiculed and builder called madman. The servants of dissolution thus try to drive from the face of the Earth the Banner of Enlightenment. Let us keep in memory these ancient covenants. 275. When calculations become complex and infinity is obscured, then will be remembered anew the simplest: from heart to heart................................................................

Toiler, when energy is transmuted into an ocean of light, does your consciousness shake or expand? Is your heart fearful or exultant before Infinity?

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