Introducing Chamuel and Charity

(v.2, #17, published by The White Lodge, copyright 1980) "The opposition to love is so intense that it requires sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice, every step of the way in order to maintain the harmony and the love of the marriage. We must understand that marriage is also a contract in which mutual needs are fulfillable--emotional and physical needs. It means that each half of the whole must be attentive to the needs of the other half and endeavor to fulfill them. If each one can come to the marriage with the sense of giving rather than receiving (only), then the return current of love will be the receiving. Charity, the divine twin flame of Archangel Chamuel, tells us that she comes to 'deliver mankind from the toils of selfish love,' from that self-centered love that 'seeks to possess and is thereby possessed of the not-Self.' She says, 'Understand that if the fallen ones can destroy love, they can destroy all. For love is the foundation and the fountain of life. Love is the essence of creation. Without love, life is desolate and the skies are dreary and elemental life is despondent. 'Where the love of father, mother and child is broken, as in the totalitarian state, there is a depression that hangs over the land. And to compensate therefor, the people engage in a fierce rationalization of dialectical materialism. Without love, the justifications of unreality are piled upon justification, and the impenetrable wall of self-deception that is erected, stone upon stone of the hardness of their hearts is sealed with the mortar of their rejection of the God of love. 'And so the superstate is built as the tower of Babel was built. And men and women are saturated with an enormous pride in the ego and its accomplishments--all of this to stifle the aching in the soul, the aching for the tenderness of love, the caress of father, of mother, a humble home--a hearth kindled in the fires of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, an abode we can call our own, a creativity won by the work of our hands, the distillations of our minds, a sacred labor perfected by striving and surrender unto love.' Sanat Kumara teaches us that 'early childhood training, school and family environment are most essential in setting the foundation for a strong self-awareness. The child must know that he is important, but that he is important because he is a soul, a moving stream of consciousness in and of God.' There are so many perversions of love abroad in the world today that we have come to accept many of them as normal, no longer questioning these departures from divine love. Hardness of heart, the vibration of hatred that literally turns the heart to stone, manifests today in the thousands of abortions that are being performed legally each year. Hardness of heart eventually is outpictured as old age, disease and decay--the calcification of the arteries of the heart and also of the brain. It is most difficult for many to accept and truly love themselves. They are so accustomed to living with the vibration of self-condemnation, that often it requires professional therapy to enable them to stop hating themselves, stop punishing themselves, stop disliking themselves and accept themselves as true sons and daughters of God. Many personality conflicts and clashes with other individuals are occasioned by a sub-conscious dislike within ourselves which we see mirrored in those around us. Often the reason we can't stand certain people is because we see in them the very thing which we won't admit but which we hate the most in ourselves. This particular quality may be concealed deep within us, but when it manifests in a loved one, we go into a rage. The psychology of love and its misuses becomes very far reaching, and its mastery involves the mastery of the entire creative flow from the base to the crown chakra. There must be harmony in the flow of God's energy and harmony of Alpha and Omega in each chakra. A lack of this mastery of the sacred fire is seen as another perversion of divine love--that of homosexuality and lesbianism. Rebellion against the law of love which is the inner law of our being, is still another perversion of the love flame--disobedience, stubbornness and defiance of the law. We could go on and on--hatred, mild dislike, witchcraft, irritation, ingratitude, selfishness, self-love, self-indulgence, idolatry, lack of forgiveness, manipulation of others. But unless we are willing to challenge these past momentums which keep coming up for transmutation from our subconscious being--our electronic belts--the end result of our perversions of love can be insanity. This is often the result of selfishness and sensual indulgences in many past lives. Light and darkness cannot long dwell in the same body, and this dichotomy often manifests as emotional imbalance and mental illness. Sanat Kumara gives us the prescription for the healing of body, mind and soul from these perversions of divine love. He says, 'There is a starting point for the calling forth of the soul from the tombs where the discarnates dwell. Love is the starting point, love is the middle way, and love is the ending point by a song, by laughter, by a poem or the music of the spheres, by the loud cry of the Master, "O soul, come forth from the tomb and live!" by friendship, by compassion. Yes, by some and all of these and more, the soul may be nurtured from sickness unto health. But always it is the wisdom of the disciple to accompany this work of the Holy Spirit with fervent prayer, deep meditation and extensive dynamic decrees on behalf of the soul who must truly be born again before it can see the kingdom of God.' The healing angels, Mother Mary, Archangel Raphael, Jesus, great hosts of ascended masters, the Lords of Karma--all stand ready and willing to provide for this generation that has been wrongly indoctrinated an opportunity to balance the karma for the misuse of sex, for abortion, for drugs, for all the many perversions of love. But there is a price to be paid. First, the individual must be truly sorry for his misdeeds, call upon the law of forgiveness, and then make reparation by the invocation of the sacred fire through the science of the spoken Word. The violet flame is the wine of forgiveness dispensed to us in the coming age of Aquarius by Saint Germain who is mentioned in the book of Revelation as the seventh angel. God's love and mercy are available to all, but we must do our part by asking for the intercession of love and light again in our lives after many centuries when we have neglected or actually ignored the law. Chamuel leaves us with a message of hope as he says, 'I AM forever Chamuel in the heart of love! As long as your heart is filled with love, I dwell in your heart. And you can visualize me there--angel of pink fire ministering unto the souls of mankind from the altar of your heart. I came in love. I go in love. This is the victory of the age!'"

The Crystallization of the God Flame: