My publication of masters' teachings are along these lines of reason/intuition:

1. In the internet mode copyrights of 20 years vintage are perhaps equivalent to 100 year vintage in more traditional modes--internet is definitely affecting our sense of copyright. However, copyrights of classical sheet music, for example, have existed for more than 100 years. The onus of proof is on the innovator: frankly, copyright I feel strictly remains with CUT in the case of The Crystallization of the God Flame material that I'm posting. 2. From the universal back to the universal is the most straightforward route for the teachings--the masters have offered the teachings in many cases in most general fashion, while in some cases the teachings are more specifically reserved. But in no way have the masters conceived, as I understand, of a brahmin caste that would control the teachings, for all life on this orb has need of them. The sacred fire controls the sacred fire. The issue of the assimilating process by people of the teachings is mainly why strongpoints/anchorpoints are necessarily chosen by the masters as downstepping/safeguard points of the teachings (including the love con-committant with the Word). The public trust is a sacred trust, necessarily built upon the intersection/integration of harmonious devotion, cooperation and selfless surrender. People should be encouraged to practice and participate in this public trust, according to their measure of attainment/aspiration. -Friday, 6-2-00, Ashland, Oregon, USA

The Crystallization of the God Flame: