174. Each perceives thru the tint of his own aura. the fuller the harmony of his aura, the truer the image. He whose sense of duty is acute will see this before aught else. Those attracted by love are borne to love's realm--being transported, they conceive joyous beauty. but only the gem radiating the spectrum of truth reflects the great splendor unfolding. One must yet appreciate the pure stone of one frequency. One learns to smile at errors. 175. Be on your guard. Let naught impure enter My Dwelling. I will assail with lightning the traitors to My Task. I strike terror upon those reckless ones. We send blessings to the guardians of My Sign. 176. Our Task is to help mankind. Often a yogi, merging into nirvana, strives to forget the earth. 177. I endure--My Name is defamed. The blind rejoice, the deaf make merry. Weak-spirited is he who in battle dreams of peace. In five years an age is outspanned; nor yet does mankind regard its swift-running course as disaster. 178. Pure thoughts are deathless. 180. My chosen ones bring My simple word of what must be rendered to the great nation. And personal love, national love and universal love render praise and sacrifice to the Creator of Love. 181. Heart and mind struggle not upon the Ocean of creation, the bird of spirit flutters upon breezy harmony, the steel of the Word flashes in truth's furnace. 183. The way of aspiration provides a window. All things have their significance. 186. In darkness an eye sees better of spirit. 187. It is wise not to worry but to strive joyously. Think--thoughts create deeds. 188. You already know how strained is everything. 189. Count acts of vehement enemies preferable to those of lukewarm friends. 193. The character of the people is illumined by the beauty of spirit. Weep not where tears are useless; arrows necessarily must transfix the dark spirit. 194. Urusvati has sacrificed much for Our Task. Let others now face the scoffers in the Name of the Lord. Rest before the new assault, the last gates are near. No placid gospel do I preach; in battle remember My Shield. 195. A bird before flight cannot see how it will traverse the ocean. 196. If one would give ear to the desires for immediate fulfillment, the universe would be destroyed. The pure spring neath the snow will quench your thirst. 197-8. You are weary with waiting, but try to see how disheartening it is to see the structure without a roof. The impatience of the passengers cannot hasten the express. 199. The difficulties of the task exceed not those of polishing a diamond. A hostile will must be diverted to the good as the watercurrent to the mill. But how many dams must the miller build before he deflects the current! A hand must possess strength, the eye vision, to perceive potential. Remember, what is predestined is manifested at the appointed hour. Who aspires attains. Learn thru the manifestations of life. Whosoever proclaims Beauty shall be saved. 200. All worlds are on trial, and the Tablets of the Creator so testify. The Sun of Suns shines to the everlasting song of great labor. 201. You must oppose the destroyers of mankind. Attack draws near, you must discover the right path amid battle. 202. It is better to know men than to be deceived by their masks. Manifold are the dark ones. It is a thorny way leading to each truth. 204. Think of oncoming need and linger not at the present. My Help is great and is given without delay. 205. It is painful to learn the true faces of friends, but knowledge precedes all else. 207. Cosmos is reflected in the pupil of every eye. God dwells in every heart. Woe to those who expel God. Better never to know than to betray. Not to small things will you be witnesses. The cloud upon God's Mountain will be dispersed. The lightning of the Word will illumine the abysses. New, new, new ones, beautiful, sensitive, exalted, will be assembled. The Teacher entrusts Urusvati and hers to manifest Himself. Gather people under My roof. M's moutain is erected, upheld and encircled by the plough of labor. 208. Degrade not yourselves with trivial judgments, and with a smile accost danger. Is there aught of terror neath M's Shield? 210. I feel the dust blinds your sight and the battle deafens you; knowledge comes to vanquish earthly frailties. The passing events will be a book of life. I reveal to you all steps, the path leads straightforward. Tree branches are gnarled, but the whole tree is mighty for the traveler. Its canopy foliage shields the wayfarer. Pure thoughts twine like branches, each different but their growth strengthens the tree. 212. When My Forces must be spared, obey; comprehend. 215. Deeply laid is the foundation. Let cowardice depart, let reason build its own nest. By demolishing these nests with lightning, by smiting cowardice with a whirlwind, We forge the way. Go and work. 216-7. Unfathomable is the Creator's calm amid manifold turmoil. After a first calm comes a second. Amidst battle one has respite. 218. Verily I say, leave the old ones; act with new. 220-1. My Hand initiates the worthy. We know the oceantides, and no drop shall overflow the banks. 222. The enemy will shall not endure before divine will. 223. Our Shields rust not, the way to Us grows not lusterless. Measure events by 40 tests. 224. Better stern knowledge than the play of sentiment. One must know before one dares. One dares before one acts. My Shield covers the devotee in the trial. 225. Seek diamond potential, hearken to the calling waves. Look beyond, afar; understand, My warriors. 227. I spin new threads, I look for contact points. 229. Yea, yea, yea, each word of unity is as the seed of some fair flower. Where are the gardeners who judge seed quality? We teach them to gather the fertile, to pluck out the blighting. The ground where the divine manifests We adorn with flora. The flowers of unity require protection, yea, yea, yea. Life shall be regenerated. Aum svaha! 231. From the beginning We have overcome. 232. Virtue's path is not psalming but labor and service. Spiritual travail is the one swiftest ladder. A decade of suffering is crowded into a day in the lives of the chosen. Better a full cup of misery than a mild sad life. 234. Our gestures do not erase karma; the settlement of old accounts is inevitable. Fate's hand leads toward the good. 235. Where dreams are conceived and sacrifice extolled, where Invisible Light graces labor, My blessings. In the leaf-whisper, wave-plash, breeze-murmur I AM with you. Amid the cruel, dark, treason, strife and sorrow, My Shield is over you. 236. Converge with light, bear light, glance not back. 238. There is no jesting upon the approach to Light. It is easy to miss one's footing in the mountains. It were better not to reject the Guardian Hand than to wait anxiously for the rescue lantern. You must understand, remember and know. 239. The common highway leads not to the holy mountain. I regard an act of treason as most heinous. 240. Joy manifests creative potential, illumining a world in darkness. Our Teaching enables all to participate thru endeavor. 241. The present hour is not stream but vortex. By destruction He creates. Can witnesses, in realizing Mighty Design, count themselves afflicted? The deaf, blind and highly-seated are merely passing--the Creator comes! 242. Flying carpets are spread, you may soar by intrepid spirit. Even bears know why them must swim united; how many are the useful examples scattered about! 243. Four guardians, protect the chalice of the Archangel! With new wine is filled the Arc manifested unto you. To the mouth of cycles I gave command to bring you My Way. Under a veil I concealed your faces. I recalled to you joyous ascent. I unsheathed the memory of the forgotten scroll. I enhanced your perception, opening to you the books. Approach and receive. A prayer: "Thou who gave voice and shield, send the master upon my paths--my heart opes." 244-5. Each epoch has its own aspirations. The idiosyncracies of man's spirit alienated necessitate results unnecessary to Us but convincing to mankind, which prefers the lanes of a garden to nature. 246. Aum and I AM are two pillars of one Portal. 247. At night We teach, in day men ascribe it to themselves. At night the abyss is perceptible to the eye, the whirlwind ear-close. Behold, our Word bestows the great knowledge. Calamity approaches; endure. It is commanded to choose the way, high or low. I send a Shield, do not reject happiness.

Maitreya Fire #1: