Introducing Archangel/Archeia Michael and Faith

(vol.2, #11-12) "Archangel Michael figures prominently in scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments. In the 10th chapter of Daniel, Lord Michael is called 'one of the chief princes' who came to Daniel in a vision to help him resist the king of the Persians. In the twelfth chapter of Revelation we are given a vivid description of the 'war in heaven' during which Michael and his angels fought against the rebellious angels and triumphed. This resulted in Satan, Lucifer, and their angels being cast out of heaven.

The Catholic Church recognizes St. Michael as the leader of the angelic host. We have been told that his name, Michael, means 'Who is like God?'--his battle cry in the encounter with the devil. St. Michael has always been invoked by the Church, both in East and West, to defend us in battle against the powers of darkness. He and his angel son Micah were the guardian spirits of the children of Israel during the long years of wandering in the wilderness. As the deliverer of mankind Michael, Prince of the Archangels, leads the archangels and their legions in defense of the Christ consciousness. In the 15th & 16th chapters of Revelation, we are made aware of the part which the archangels play in the latter days of this age and in the judgment of Almighty God. Michael explains his responsibility to us: 'I come as the spokesman not only of the seven archangels but also of the Lords of Karma and the seven chohans of the rays...(this time, 1975).'

This is also the hour of our personal judgment as well as that of planetary and interplanetary evil. For many, many lifetimes we have been sowing the seeds of rebellion, of anger, of fear and anxiety, of hatred, of resentment, and a host of negatively qualified energies. These have been existing in our electronic belts--right within our own forcefields--as the tares among the wheat. Now at this time of the harvest, at the culmination of the Piscean Age and before we can enter the coming golden age of Aquarius, we can no longer indulge ourselves in our rebellion. We must face squarely the enemy both within and without and know that this is the hour ordained for the consuming by the sacred fire of the cause, effect, record and memory of all that is not of the light within our worlds as well as all that has been deliberately impressed upon the entire cosmos by the fallen ones.

We must arise as sons and daughters of God and by the power of the spoken Word, challenge in the name of the Christ all the many wrongs that have been perpetrated upon the body of the Mother throughout the ages--pornography, child abuse, abortion, homosexuality, and all misuses of power and of the sacred fire. When we are willing to take the responsibility for ratifying the judgment of Almighty God through his seven archangels this day, all of heaven can then move into action, coming to our aid and amplifying our calls.

Alpha has been very specific in his instruction to us: 'Only when you challenge the dweller on the threshold of your own cosmos and your own consciousness--the rebellious one--can you breathe the breath of life and know "I AM free!" Therefore that judgment that has come to the Fallen One, meted out by Alpha and Omega, must also resound within the consciousness of every living soul.' He explains that 'that which remains untransmuted, which you have failed to challenge, that which exists in consciousness, is therefore the creation of free will. And until you will to call it back, to undo it, to restore it to the fiery core for transmutation, it remains a blight on the whole of cosmos.'

...In the flaming presence of faith is the transmutative action of the law. We need to invoke a more than ordinary action of the violet flame to consume on contact all the negation that the blue-flame angels have cut free. The masters have a plan for the salvation of our planet, but it requires our cooperation by constancy in our calls and invocations. Jesus admonished us to 'pray without ceasing,' and El Morya has often said, 'From the beginning we were winning.'

Faith is one of the most contagious of the qualities of God. If we can just rest secure in the promises of God rather than becoming involved in states of fear and doubt, our lives will be so much easier and happier.

...Accepting the gift of faith in the all-power of God is the way to peace of mind and the perfecting of one's body and physical affairs. Archangel Michael realizes that many people have difficulty in being able to accept God's gift of faith and give up all vibrations of doubt, fear, and human question in their world. He says, 'I would gladly, if the Great Law would permit it, sweep aside doubt from everyone upon the face of this earth; but the Great Law requires a certain action of an individual who must himself draw aside the veil through desire, through some spark of the faith which has kept his heart beating.'

Michael says, 'How marvelous it is when the pathway of faith is suddenly revealed, even to the mind, as a mighty shimmering ribbon of light substance connecting the individual with his God Presence! How delighted we are when invited to walk upon that ribbon right into the heart of the devotee and to assist him in the unfoldment of that graciousness of spirit that will create out of any environment those qualifications of the God flame that infuse the outer expression with the culture of the soul that is within.

'Will you see for yourself--if only for the purposes of experimentation--what a difference faith makes? Faith may seem to be an ingredient that only children and fools rely upon, but it is not difficult even for the scientist to discover that it possesses a tangibility all of its own.

'Faith will open the inner eyes wide with wonder; it will reveal to you your inner strength. It will show you aspects of your being that you never dreamed existed, and it will show you how to contact and implement in a practical way the potential that is locked within these aspects of being. Science is the handmaid of individual and planetary self-master, and faith is the open door to scientific discovery that no man can shut.

Faith is the bridge which the consciousness must build before it can traverse the abyss that separates the finite from the Infinite. Once crossed, the bridge is no longer necessary and the arduous journey is forgotten in the joy of discovery and in the welcome of Reality. Therefore, it is essential to give faith a chance, even if at first your motive be selfish. You need to open the door. You need to build the bridge. You need to believe, even if momentarily, in order that you may become filled with grace and with the great cosmic potential of Life that you really are.'"

Crystallization of the God Flame: