Crystallization of the God Flame
"To have liberty man must not practice unjustified lack of constraint, which could degenerate into unpardonable license. They imperil freedom who use it to do as they like. They preserve and extend it who dedicate it to God and their fellows in the service of a worthy cause. For the highest life is compounded of duty and love. It arises at the point where they are one, where God is served all the more eagerly because he is not a taskmaster but a loving Father.
We have urged you before, our dearly loved brethren, to study your Bible because so much recorded there is being brought into manifestation now. In St. Matthew in the New Testament you will see as you read how very near to Jerusalem the armies of the nations gather at the 'end of an age'. Read and inwardly digest all the teachings so that you may be ready and prepared for the Great Day of the Lord.
The teaching of the Bible departs nowhere from the law of cause and effect, and by the orderly sequence of this law it brings you at last to the new creation, both in yourselves and in your environment. How greatly you dislike the word 'surrender', my brethren. You think of the many historical incidents and many experiences which seem to indicate weakness on the part of the one who surrenders. There are many words in your dictionary which have more than one meaning, and when you enter the full knowledge of what 'surrender' really means you will realize it can be used to obtain a freedom such as you have never known before, and it will become the pivotal word in your lives.
An inward experience of divine love can only be known by an inward knowing of God. It is difficult to inwardly know the presence of the Holy Spirit. Prayer and a great longing for the 'peace which passeth understanding' will not alone be successful in bringing this experience into realization. When you are confronted with a very serious issue, try entering the silence, kneel in absolute repentance and surrender everything to God's holy will.
While you wait in love, faith and trust, through the grace of God an inward knowing will come to you, and you will feel that here and now God's Holy Spirit has been sent to dwell in you and to guide all your activities. You must know, each one of you, my brethren, that God is with you--always. This will come after complete surrender to him. Remember also that love is the prime moving power of the Creating Spirit.
You hear in these days much about the background of life. It is said to be of great importance in determining character. But usually the human concept of 'background' is confined to the temporary circumstances that surround a child at its birth and during its early years and leaves out of account the eternal forces that are behind the life of each child and support it during every moment of every day in the time-space world."
This section from Fourth Book, pp. 201-2. ****

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