Crystallization of the God Flame
"An invisible Force governs the winds, the tides, the incoming and outgoing of the seasons, the birth of flowers, immense growth of the forests, and the mating of the birds, the glorious sunlight and the myriads of twinkling stars. A wide, understanding Beneficence embraces all creation. God, the fountainhead of absolute perfection, is no remoreseless, capricious being. To him all life is equal, from the smallest of his creations to the greatest. For in and around everything he has a portion of his own most perfect existence. He is absolute love and therefore can do no less than love all his works. Love, to be perfect, must contain all the elements of compassion, forgiveness and forbearance.
Have no doubts, my dear ones. Doubt is the destroyer of beauty, is poison in the cup of life--a curse which mankind brings upon himself. Believe in everything glorious and miraculous. The utmost reach of your faith can with difficulty grasp the majesty of the reality and perfection you can see, desire, or even imagine. Guide yourselves by the spiritual instinct that is within each one of you, which tells you that with God all things are possible. From all eternity God, the Supreme Spirit of Light, has existed and will continue to exist. He is pure love, and the power and capacity of loving points to the existence of things to be loved. This is the secret of creation.
This great truth dawned upon the minds of the sages of old when they wrote: 'Darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.'
'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself' is an important commandment. So many love unwisely and lose their sense of proportion. In eagerness to love they allow their emotions to upset the balance of good. Remember always: your neighbor, who is your brother pilgrim, also is traveling toward perfected manhood, the Christ-man--toward becoming a son of God. Thus he needs to learn. In your emotional eagerness to love much, be careful not to rob your brother of his lessons and thus delay his progress onward.
Love has a fragrance; the vibrations of love send forth a fragrant essence not inhaled by the physical senses only but through the etheric sense as well. This same fragrance passes through all manifestations and is received and used on the plane of pure Divine Spirit. There is no separation in love. There is neither condemnation nor irritation but there is a power and joy, and even ecstacy. God is all. You know no other God but him, the one real God which is in all--is all. Have patience, my beloved, have faith and trust and know that all your human problems will be worked out through love--through God who is love.
Meditate on this love, God--and in so doing, identify yourselves with all creation, with the joys and the suffering of those around you, with all the nature world--and your eyes will be opened. Within, within, my beloved, know thyself! This is the great secret of life. Those who live only a material life--how starved they must be! Whatsoever their hands do, if they do not contact the Spirit (or voice of God) in the quiet of their own souls, they cannot dwell in the life more abundant. God has given to his children the gift of love, the wisdom of the heart--the true Spirit of Christ.
The qualities of character which the present situation on your earth needs are admittedly spiritual. The virtues which have always been identified--not indeed exclusively, but supremely--with those who are disciples of Christ, are faith, hope and love. To these I would add the spirit of cooperation which is a practical expression of love; for to love God is to cooperate willingly with his purposes, and to love your neighbor, my dear ones, is to have true fellowship with him. Mankind is learning afresh today how essential cooperation is, whether in science or economics, in war as in peace. If to this new recognition can be added the further conviction of the vital necessity of man's cooperation with God, a way will have been made for God's creative power to flow unhindered into human life.
If you study the teaching of Jesus in your New Testament carefully, you will understand that God's love is meant for all and does for all. So, far from being a gentle passive influence, the direction of Divine Love towards your souls is the releasing of a tremendous and dynamic force. So, far from bringing you a feeling of security and comfort, its first effect may be to make you restless and dissatisfied. Love is so to change man that he becomes a new being. His whole attitude, his entire set of values, must be altered until he is brought into intimate relationship with our Father God.
Man was so created that he violates the actual laws of his being when he attempts to settle down in self-dependent estrangement from his eternal Father.
The beloved Master's rule of life is love of God first--the regiving of God-love within ourselves back to him that it might again express him by flowing outward to us, to all creation. The perpetual movement, or expression, of all life is one of ebb and flow, giving and regiving unceasingly of the essence of life itself: love."
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This section from Second Book, pp. 21-4.

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